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Sodick Europe

Having introduced linear EDM at the EMO show in Paris in 1999, Sodick Co. Ltd (Japan) have just announced that over 31,000 Linear Machines have now been delivered to customers.

This extraordinary achievement has been made possible by the exceptional performance of Linear EDM Machines. Customers who have bought Sodick Linear Machines have not only acquired an advanced and reliable product but also higher machining speeds and greater accuracy resulting in sharply increased productivity.

Having developed the Linear Drive System in house Sodick continued to improve the performance and now fits the 5th generation of Linear Drives to the machines.

All Sodick products are fitted with Linear Drives and this has allowed the company to give a 10 year accuracy warranty to their products.

Although, with a 10 year delay, other companies have tried to introduce Linear EDM Machines to the market, Sodick are in a position of total leadership based on the 31,000 successful installations and all others can only play catch up!

Sodick = Linear EDM

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